Saturday, June 20, 2009

DAY 7 - HURRAY!!! Finally got a telephone contact! - June 21, 2009 in Korea

Mom here... After not hearing anything from my boys for over 3 days, I was starting to feel a tinge of worry...!
Tried calling again and this time not only got a ring, but got Willem! Also was able to speak to my dear Alex for the first time... I tear writing this! Time - 23:45 Saturday in Canada, 11:45 Sunday in Korea.
Anyway, the communication problem has been two-fold. Uncharged batteries and time... If you've been reading the others' blogs, you will have read how this trip is orchestrated to a tee by one mother, and planned to the minute by another mother. Kelly, you'll love this - Willem says it is not a Motherland Tour, but an intense, yet highly enjoyable, Korean boot camp!;). And I would have been off this trip very early on, as I no longer have any doubts about. Even at the 4-day home-stay, the family kept them busy till late at night pleasing them by showing them this and that, restaurants, etc. These must be the most hospitable people in the world!
Willem says the travelling group is fantastic, children young and old are getting along fabulously, and of course, everyone loves Alex!;) Rosa Park, the young adult translator/organizer for the trip, refers to him as "her husband" apparently. He is hanging out most with Liam and Leevi, the other bloggers we are following. And, as hoped ... This is turning out to be an experience of a lifetime for Alex as he is soaking in all the sights and culture. He will have grown so much next time I see him, in just 2 weeks... How bittersweetly proud and happy for him, I am!
They had time to write all their postcards today, but apparently don't know when there will be time again to get postage for them!;)
Sunday (DAY 7 of trip - there is a lot of catching up to do from DAY 3, but Willem has been trying to keep notes while on the tour bus), they went to a morning worship service. And who did "someone from Korea" interview after the service, but Willem...!;). He was asked how often he attended church... His diplomatic answer - "irregularly"!;)
My Alex... His first question to me after I finished gushing to him about how happy I was to hear him, loved him, was proud of him, was... What is Derek doing?! Actually, it was "how" is Derek doing... My nurturing, yet don't want to be missing anything despite my own overflowing schedule, son!;). I told him that every morning when Derek and I got up, we said " goodnight Alex and Daddy", and before we went to bed, "good morning Alex and Daddy". Alex was eating lunch and although I couldn't quite understand what he said he was eating, it had sauce on it and they were going to bring me back some - Ha, ha Mama!
Alex suggested that Daddy could be the tour guide when Derek and I come visit - I replied that it could very likely be him, and I don't doubt that.
Finally, I told them that I have been keeping their blog active and they "hoped" to be able to see it soon!;)
A late goodnight from me and a mid-day "hello" from Alex and his Dad.

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