Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Mommy's far - June 17, 2009

Awoke at 05:45 with Derek and started the day by changing his sheets, comforter, mattress cover and "blankie" for 3rd morning in a row. Soon after wrestled with his bedroom door knob while he was in time-out for having such a tantrum (and being sincerely devastated) that Lyn had made him a scrambled, rather than sunny-side up egg - with our last egg. Received Geri dropping off videocam to tape Derek's school show today, then left for WalMart to get tape for it on way to Derek's dentist appt. Had time to drop by mall to get hair mousse and Tim Horton's for snack, before arriving early for his show at 11:00, giving me time to drop off my urine sample at lab across the street. Now that's multi-tasking, Willem!;)
Will tell you about Derek's show with pics later, but again Ms. Jilska asked that I tape the show for her. 10 minutes into it, was running out of battery power even though Geri said she had charged it night prior (maybe took too much video of inside camera bag again!;). Found an outlet in back of room, at floor level, to continue taping with 1 m long extension cord. I was in a pretty contorted position trying to tape over the top of heads with full zoom so will be an awfully shaky video!;).
Derek then topped things off by refusing to take a photo with me after the show.
So dropped he and Lyn off at house, then went to stock house with some Coolers!;) So deliriously tired that I don't even mind this being public and am now going off into my afternoon coma/nap.
Someone asked if things seemed quieter with you and Alex gone - how little they know our family!;). Mom (yes, I'll delete this eventually...)

1 comment:

  1. Mom slept till past supper, played games with and read bedtime story to Derek, and am now enjoying your blog and great photo! XOXOXOX


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